Tuesday, September 19, 2006

So what is Christianity about then?

So, I have not really had a lot of time to read lately, but I have been slowly plugging along in Simply Christian by NT Wright. Today I came to Chapter 7 he he spends several paragraphs talking about what Christianity is not about. I thought for a second that he might leave me hanging with the question "So what is Christianity about then?", but thankfully he didn't (smile and wink). As i have been thinking recently about misconceptions that I have had about what it means to be a Christian I appreciated this short passage and posted it here in my Secret Passages.


Anonymous said...

great, i mean great quote...

BK said...

Wright is right. It is something that happen to Jesus, something that happen in and through Him. I love later in the quote when he says, "We are offered freedom: freedom to experience God's rescue for ourselves, to go through the open door and explore the new world (Terra Nova) to which we now have access." Freedom from sin, freedom through ourselves to experience the rescue and take part in the larger story, trading in our smaller stories, to be part of a large mosaic picture of life. Good stuff.