Sunday, July 30, 2006

N.T. WRIGHT, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Durham, England

When I went to college I absolutely loved my Bible classes. I remember reading books on hermeneutics (how to read something written for another time and another place and understanding what it means today). I remember reading about and studying Judah´s exile- it takes up about two-thirds of the Old Testament but is rarely taught on in most churches. I remember pouring over commentaries and reading books that discussed everything from covenant theology and dispensationalism to the workings of the Holy Spirit in the newly birthed church in Acts.

Then I remember going home for break. I went to a local Christian bookstore, because after devouring all of this rich theological meat I was hungry to read more. I was so disappointed, because what I found in the bookstore were titles like "How to be a better.... Mom, Dad, Pastor, daughter, son, preacher, etc", titles on church growth, Christian diet books, and Christian Fiction that taught weird perspectives on end times and other Christian topics. I would go through the whole bookstore and might emerge with one small morsel of something that would actually challenge me in my faith and my understanding of the Bible.

I wondered what happened to all of the wonderful books that I was reading at college. Who was hiding them and where were they keeping them? So ever since I have been on a quest for books that really challenge me and my thinking. Recently I have encountered an author that gives me that same feeling of being stretched and challenged that I remember in my college Bible classes. When I read his books or listen to his talks I go away thinking about what he said for days and weeks on end. I normally hate watching or reading something that I have already read before, but I find that with his works after I have thought about it for a while I don´t mind going back and listening again to see what I missed the first time.

Last night at our team worship time we watched a video by N.T. Wright that took place in the "National Cathedral" in Washington D.C. and I was so encouraged and challenged by his talk. If you desire to be challenged in your understanding of the Bible and who Jesus was and is than I highly recommendn getting your hand on one of his books, or going to his web site and reading one of his papers or listening to some of his mp3 talks.

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