Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Recently when I was at a conference in France our team was hanging out with Mark Soderquist over a coffee in a small french cafe. He was telling us about something he had learned recently about the Hebrew word Shalom. It is a word that we often just translate to mean peace, but we really miss a lot of the significance if we just say peace. It is used both to say hello and to say goodbye. It is to bless someone and to also remind your self to be part of making things the way they should be.

"The Hebrew word shalom has a wider meaning than the English equivalent peace, for it signifies welfare of every kind: security, contentment, sound health, prosperity, friendship, peace of mind and heart, as opposed to the dissatisfaction and unrest caused by evil." Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts by Philip Birnbaum page 601 (previously published as A Book of Jewish Concepts)

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